
Ajda Rooss graduated in dramaturgy from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) in Ljubljana in 2002. Between 2012 to 2022, as artistic director of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (LGL) and the international biennial festival of contemporary puppet art LUTKE, she significantly influenced the development and international recognition of contemporary Slovenian puppet art with her vision. She is a co-founder of the Puppet Museum at the Ljubljana Castle (2015). Since 2022, she has been working as a freelance artist. She was selected in 2024 to curate the competition program for the 60th anniversary Borštnik Meeting Festival (June 2025, Maribor) and became president of Slovenian UNIMA at the beginning of 2025. Her work in Transport is distinguished by a thoughtful synthesis of dramaturgical strategies and innovative performance approaches. She understands puppetry as a universal language that can subtly transform complex social and existential themes through symbolism, abstraction, and associativity, thus creating a powerful and emotional theatrical experience.